To Our Patients: Coronavirus Update:

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Wearside Medical Practice informs you that all appointments are being telephone triaged by clinicians first. Only patients that have been requested to attend by a clinician should come into the practice for a face to face appointment until further notice.

All patients, who will be offered a face to face appointment, are required to wear their own mask or any face covering when attending. Please click here to watch two short videos.

If you need to contact us, order medication or have any queries, please call the practice on 0191-5689 510 for more information.

Clinically vulnerable people are being asked to stay at home by the government.

If you are worried about Coronavirus, then please use the NHS 111 online service for advice and help. If you cannot access the internet and need to speak with NHS Coronavirus testing service, dial 119 from any phone. Install NHS Test and Trace App on your telephone to help fight the virus.

For more information please visit the government website: