NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

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More than 200,000 people are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes every year – and that means the risk of serious health complications and early death.

The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is a free programme for those who are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. To find out more about the risks, and what those at risk of Diabetes can do to minimise these, we are holding a series of Lunch and Learn events to:

  • Increase awareness of the support and services provided in relation to Diabetes Prevention through this programme
  • Provide details of the programme including how to access this and how it supports those participating
  • Provide an interactive question and answer session to further explore any questions about the programme

Who should attend:

GP’s and their clinical staff, Health Care Assistants and Health and Wellbeing practitioners, Hospital Trust clinicians, and other appropriate staff from Clinical Commissioning Groups, Local Authorities, Public Health Teams, and Community and Voluntary Sector Providers. To attend the event simply click on the appropriate Microsoft Teams Meeting invite on the date below. Please feel free to attend more than one event should you wish to do so.

Some events are aimed at different groups, but everyone is welcome to attend any or all events to find out more about how the overall programme works.

9th June – 12.30 – 13.00

This session will provide details of how to refer to the programme and the eligibility criteria. In addition the discussion will cover how participants are supported via numerous support tools including community forums and language run workshops where there are specific ethnicity requirements.

Please join via this Microsoft Teams link:Click to Join

23rd June – 12.30 – 13.00

This session will reconfirm how to refer and the eligibility criteria and introduce attendees to some of the programmes participants to allow session attendees to ask them questions on how the programme has supported them what difference it has made to them.

Please join via this Microsoft Teams link: Click here to join the meeting Click to Join

7th July – 12.30 – 13.00

This session will introduce you to some of the coaches working in the service to support programme participants. Find out how they support participants through the 9-month programme and the flexibility within the sessions to enable participants to achieve their best possible outcome.

Please join via this Microsoft Teams link: Click here to join the meeting Click to Join

If you have any queries about these events or require more information, please contact:

lleeke@ww.com or mkaur@ww.com