Fighting All Cancers Together

FACT is unique in the north east. It offers a range of services to benefit and support cancer patients and their family, friends and carers. No referral is necessary and you do not have to be the patient to benefit from FACT.

FACT was set up in 2008 by a breast cancer patient who had been looked after extremely well by local medical teams and services, however, once outside hospital, she found there was no practical or emotional support for her, or her family, or friends. She wanted to make sure that everyone affected by cancer, could find the help they needed easily, in good time and free of charge.

FACT offers support, awareness and social interaction in a happy, friendly, home from home environment for anyone who needs it.

FACT has grown into a regional charity operating from a dedicated Cancer Support Centre and exists to create a platform for the exchange of experiences, views and information, providing facilities to improve conditions of life and providing support and guidance for cancer sufferers and their friends, family and carers.

If FACT doesn’t have, or cant find, what people are looking for it will fill the gap itself – either as a one off, or by developing a programme of regularly accessible support.

FACT offers support services to people affected by cancer. This support is available to the person diagnosed with cancer and their family, friends, carers, colleagues etc.

Support can be offered on a one to one basis or as a group or family unit in addition to the many support sessions, events and programmes that FACT delivers. If the support you require is not covered by any of FACT’s current events then please get in touch and we will endeavour to help.

Leaflets for Download

Coffee Morning Every Monday

Coffee Morning/Drop in Session held every Monday 10:30am – 12:30pm at:

Blandford Street
SR1 3JH (Above the FACT Charity Shop)

An opportunity for an informal chat in a relaxed friendly environment, everyone welcome.

Call: 0191 442 0866

Charity Number 1130258