Please contact the surgery if you believe yourself or a family member may need the assistance of an interpreter at a consultation. The Practice will endeavour to obtain an interpreter if one is not already available.
How to Register with the Practice
If you live in the practice area and wish to register with us please call into the surgery to complete a registration form.
Please bring with you two forms of ID. If you have difficulty registering with a doctor you can contact the ‘North East Family Health Services’ who can advise you about registering with a practice.
you can now register with the practice online by clicking on the QR code below.
Practice Boundary
Before registering with the practice, please ensure you live. within our service boundary by entering your postcode below.
Catchment Area
Temporary Residents
We are always happy to see any relatives or friends staying with you if they need a Doctor or Nurse. They will need to fill out a short form for the information to be returned to their own Doctor.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to allow time for completion of the necessary forms.