We understand that when you are very poorly you may not be able to come to the surgery to see the doctor. If you are poorly we would always ask you to try your best to come to the surgery but if you really can’t please contact the surgery before 11:30 am.
Home Visit Requests need to be in by 11:30am. Nursing Homes and Carers need to bear in mind that any late requests will impact on afternoon clinics. This allows time for the doctor to assess your needs and prioritise the visits for that day dependant on the severity of your illness.
Non-urgent advice: Please give as much information as possible to the receptionist regarding your illness when you call
A doctor will always call you to gain extra information about your illness to ensure that your needs are met appropriately so please make sure you leave an up to date contact number.
Sometimes after speaking to you the doctor may decide that there is a different service that would be more appropriate for you such as the Urgent Care Team or the Recovery at Home Team.
Should this be the case the Doctor will arrange for you to be visited by this service rather than the surgery.