PPG Minutes

13 June 2019

Attendees: HC, LD, EA, NM, CW, JJ, LL, CF, PF

Apologies: JS

Record of the meeting of 28th March 2019

No action from last meeting.

Matters Arising


Practice Information Update

The Practice is still advertising for a GP Partner / Salaried GP.

The Practice had a follow up CQC visit on 29th May 2019. It was not a full visit, therefore only an Inspector visited the Practice. We are currently awaiting the report.

Dr Sagi has officially left the Practice and all the paperwork has been signed off. Dr Sriranjani is currently going through the process to register as a single-handed GP, which could possibly trigger another CQC visit in near future.

Urgent Care Reorganisation

There has been no further development as far as we are aware. The changes should implement from August 2019, but no further information has been provided yet.

Business Development Plan

The Practice shared Business development Plan with CQC, but the Practice wanted to share it with patients as well.

There has been a lot of work going on in the background – all staff are now being vaccinated against Hep B, all new employees have DBS check prior employment, there has been a lot of work put into processes e.g. how we handle patients who are on Warfarin medication and how we record their International Normalized Ratio (INR) results and follow up appointments.

Robust systems have been put in place how we work and process information, regular audits are being carried out, staff are having regular appraisals, we have induction programmes for new starters, staff newsletter, feedback to staff of significant events, staff survey and etc.

The Business Development Plan is a ‘living’ document and grows day by day.

Friends and Family survey feedback

We had a lot of response and the overall outcome has been good and positive. Also it helps the Practice to learn from negative responses and look whether improvements could be made.

Virtual PPG

The Practice Manager is happy to send information to virtual group members, she will look into legislation from GDPR perspective and will discuss this in the next meeting.

Any Other Business

  1. PPG members have been made aware of Primary Care Networking (PCN).

PCN is a new way of working together with other Practices in the locality. We belong to West locality, which has been split in two. Two clinicians have also been appointments as the leads for West locality, which are Dr Gillespie and Dr Sharma.

New processes are being discussed and are being put in place, therefore more detailed information will follow.

  1. Practice would like to reintroduce PPG survey, which was carried a while ago so the results could be compared. It was agreed that staff at the Practice will conduct the survey themselves.

Next PPG Meeting – 13th September 2019

You can download these minutes: Minutes 13 June 2019

28 March 2019



Record of the meeting of 13th December 2018

No action from last meeting

Matters Arising

Mr Arnold started meeting with an apology regarding confusion of the dates of the meetings. The last meeting was postponed and re-arranged for today.

It was agreed that future communications will be done over the telephone or e-mail, and notice will be given in plenty of time. PPG members will be given a courtesy phone call 2 weeks prior the meeting.

Further to that, Mr Arnold will not be taking any further minutes, and this will be done by Lina. The typed minutes will be e-mailed to Mr Arnold for approval.

Practice Information Update

PPG members were informed that Dr Stidolph has joined the Practice as a salaried GP. She will be working Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Also, Dana Bird is our new ANP, who is working Mon-Fri except Thursdays.

Dr Sriranjani informed PPG that she is still looking for another ANP and is still looking for GP Partners.

Dr Sagi is leaving the Practice; however, his final leaving date has not been confirmed as yet.

The Practice also has regular Locum GPs, who provide consistent care.

PPG Members thanked Dr Sriranjani for managing the Practice well during extremely difficult times.

GP Extended Access Service

The Practice staff are encouraging patients to book into extended hours service, which is available on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Also patients can book appointments online to see GPs at their Practice and NHS 111 will be able to book appointments for GPs directly.

Urgent Care Reorganisation

Patients, who attended the meetings re urgent care centres, did not feel listened.

The changes will implement in April 2019; therefore, we will have more details by the end of April.

Patient Surveys – volunteers / dates

Practice is doing Friends and Family surveys on a regular basis, and the information is being published on a monthly basis.

PPG will use the same survey as last time and the results will be compared. Mr Arnold will liaise with Practice Manager and the dates will be discussed in the next meeting.

Any Other Business

Practice will be publishing the PPG minutes on the website and will update them on the board.

Nurses Kim and Linda got Angels of the North awards.

All prescription will be sent EPs in future; therefore, the Practice is encouraging patients to nominate a pharmacy.

You can download these minutes: Minutes 28 March 2019